Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Crazy Week

I am feeling the urge to skip the ever-present chatty small talky side notes and intros of this blog to briefly tell you the reasons men in white suits are going to cart me off, but for the sake of your interests I will be as enjoyable as possible and not make my cruddy week both our crummy week.

So let's just start with a typical list.

Moving: So as you may have read in a genetically similar author's blog. we have a really cool new house. no complaints it's awesome. I have a awesome room that is a lot bigger than my previous
with it's own laundry shoot. No definitely no complaints there. Cool rooms, big French doors, arch ways, breakfast booth. Oh and did I mention, Lake Flies? Uhh yeah welcome to oshkosh home of the may lake fly. Check out this photo from someone in the area
Yeah that picture is a lot nicer than the situation my new house. There is not a square inch of the outside of our house not covered in these evil pests. Yeah. You can see clouds of them in the sky. They only last for a few weeks I'm told so I am not loosing my pants quite yet. But, on the other hand THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. and you can't crush them either. I found out my self that the only way to get them off is to blow on them so they fly off. Otherwise you get a green mess all over your self. I am not one to freak out about bugs. But they are just annoying. Really. The aforementioned Mrs. Z. was helping us move stuff yesterday. She says it's even worse where they are. Worse? Wow. I have a respect on an entire new level for you now Mrs. Z.

I love our new house. I thought moving all our stuff down the street would be a nice easy transition. So much for that transition.All our stuff is going this way and that. And on top of that we have family coming to stay over this weekend.

School: If I seem ticked about lake flies, it is only a minor aggression. The real issue at hand is my schoolwork. For my friends and family that know me you all know that THIS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN A WORSE WEEK to schedule to chapters worth of chapter reviews maps and work sheets and then make sure no-one gets any done in class by making us fill out tables of states provinces and countries in order of population and area. Oh did I mention that their is a report due next week. I don't get what this teacher wants. I even asked him "Mr. person, what do you want? Money, Power, Real-estate? Can we work something out here? " Please pardon my outrageous outbursts. It's just pressure. I admit I am probably the first person to complain about any homework, but when you add busy work to the list it to make it impossible to do in class it just gets personal.

Now for a change of pace. Something to sooth my mind.
Today's Computing Tip: Pandora Radio
This week would be but a slowly melting piece of butter on a summer sidewalk in negative slow motion without some sort of help. This help is called Pandora. This is probably one of the coolest free things on the internet. Pandora is a free internet radio player that plays music from bands you like as well as similar artists. You have several stations from all your favorite bands. I juat love how it can just assemble songs and I don't have to think about it. I listen to Pandora during homework. It helps me throw out scattered thoughts. Pandora is totally free and I'd recommend it to anyone. Here's a screen shot.
It's hard to explain how Pandora works. You just have to try it for yourself. Although it's free the ads seem to be around every corner. It has video, audio, animated, and background ads. Yes these are annoying, but I am a little more concerned with the selections of your station. I made a Switchfoot station to listen to Switchfoot not Hawk Nelson. I have another station for Hawk Nelson. The same goes for other similarly minded bands. They each have different sounds and feels. I feel like Pandora compiles my artists and plays them on each other's stations if they are similar. I sure don't know how else Relient k comes up in Owl City. The Postal Service I can understand, but not them. Pandora has a feature that allows me to tell them to play those kinds of songs on a different station, but that doesn't seem to do anything. (I just noticed how My rant has been longer about this than maybe the rest of my article. I am not in a good mood today.)

Overall Pandora is a great service. Go get an account.

A Brief Record of Happenings

So it's been a long time for this blog. Time to blow the dust off with a random fact sheet of what I've been doing.

Spring Break: I mostly messed around during spring break. Me and a friend tried to make a goofy rap video to make tribute to it's awesome powers of relaxation and awesome. Well that didn't go so well. The song was cheesy and we found ourselves out of time to finish it. Now that I'm thinking of it. I will go delete that. There. Now those embarrassing files are gone. Good riddance. And i take back any boasting about my gangsta rap capabilities. I am just so well... Culturally different.

So the time after break has been a blur. Mostly due to moving into our gorgeous new house. The house is another subject entirely. That will take another post. I am trying to use as many posts as possible to avoid the crunch of an English monthly deadline. Yes readers that means we have much blogging for me and much reading for you. Will this detract from the quality of our favorite blogger. (Well. Mine. Anyway.) Maybe you should check with our quality control department. It seems that they are planning a strike and are leaving me up a tree this fine week. (See kids, this is what happens when you are stressed you blame your troubles on fabricated business divisions of your blog.) Possibly one of the craziest ever. Another blog post for later tonight. How off track have I foregone? I shall now return us to our regularly scheduled programming: what's been up. A week or two ago (One and two are such trivial numbers when in used in contexts such as this and others. Sorry I'm getting wordy. Please disregard this parenthetic statement.) one of our leaders from my weekly bible study/leadership group held a breakout event for everyone in the junior high. Mrs. Z. our awesome leader planned an awesome night with a great speaker games and pizza. Kudos to Mrs. Z. and her awesome vision for the night. I had a lot of fun. Thanks.

So of to a quick round of social media streaming and I shall be off to another post.

Saturday, April 10, 2010