Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Brief Record of Happenings

So it's been a long time for this blog. Time to blow the dust off with a random fact sheet of what I've been doing.

Spring Break: I mostly messed around during spring break. Me and a friend tried to make a goofy rap video to make tribute to it's awesome powers of relaxation and awesome. Well that didn't go so well. The song was cheesy and we found ourselves out of time to finish it. Now that I'm thinking of it. I will go delete that. There. Now those embarrassing files are gone. Good riddance. And i take back any boasting about my gangsta rap capabilities. I am just so well... Culturally different.

So the time after break has been a blur. Mostly due to moving into our gorgeous new house. The house is another subject entirely. That will take another post. I am trying to use as many posts as possible to avoid the crunch of an English monthly deadline. Yes readers that means we have much blogging for me and much reading for you. Will this detract from the quality of our favorite blogger. (Well. Mine. Anyway.) Maybe you should check with our quality control department. It seems that they are planning a strike and are leaving me up a tree this fine week. (See kids, this is what happens when you are stressed you blame your troubles on fabricated business divisions of your blog.) Possibly one of the craziest ever. Another blog post for later tonight. How off track have I foregone? I shall now return us to our regularly scheduled programming: what's been up. A week or two ago (One and two are such trivial numbers when in used in contexts such as this and others. Sorry I'm getting wordy. Please disregard this parenthetic statement.) one of our leaders from my weekly bible study/leadership group held a breakout event for everyone in the junior high. Mrs. Z. our awesome leader planned an awesome night with a great speaker games and pizza. Kudos to Mrs. Z. and her awesome vision for the night. I had a lot of fun. Thanks.

So of to a quick round of social media streaming and I shall be off to another post.

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