Friday, February 11, 2011

Growing up.

At long last for no good reason I update my blog. (Maybe because I hate unfinished projects) I wrote this simple thought down for English journals, and I thought it would make a nice post.

How come people don’t keep things they love as children. It seems most things we like as children are long forgotten by the time we all grow up. I meet few people who keep their childhood interests. The best example i can think of is one high school kid that has always loved vacuums and became an expert in the subject. He fixes vacuums and can tell you what model it is just by the sound of it running. Why aren't more people like that. I saw this pattern when I was a kid and tried desperately to make myself hold on to everything I was interested in. I suppose it’s better that way though. If we kept all of our childhood whims, we would be fools as young people and adults.

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