Saturday, September 18, 2010
An Update
I have had to two meets with my cross country team. At the first one (On Tuesday) I beat my record by 6 minutes, and today I beat that by three.
I have been making videos. My first youtube video is up and I have been editing a video for church tomorrow.
Well that's all this week.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Melons vs. Peppers
Today I would like to write about melons. I think melons are weird. Melon’s don’t taste good. Watermelons are taste like their namesake: Water. Why do eat these it just seems like a waste of money. If you want to buy something crunch and awesome, than buy green peppers. Green peppers are crunchy and tasty enough to be enjoyable.
Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010
Update Explosion.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Got it Together
Monday, June 14, 2010
15 Years of Lessons. Here's Two More
Monday, June 7, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Basically Summer
Friday, May 28, 2010
Another Update
- An Icee slushy
- Applying something new to a project or daily life
- Family get-togethers
- Hanging out with friends
- Starting and finishing projects
- Old people (And I'm talking pre-historic) having teenage soap opera love moments in public. That's just gross.
- Overly cheesy adults that treat you like a toddler. "Helllo, I'm sally, and your mommywanted me to watch you while she's in the hospital" GO AWAY SALLY! I'm so thankful that I haven't met anyone like that lately.
- Mistaking milk chocolate for dark chocolate
- Feeling guilty for something beyond control
- Those annoying Facebook pages that everyone "Likes". Those things spread like a wildfire. Everyone just clicks like, and there is no way to get it out of your newsfeed.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
That Time Of Year Again, The Best Time.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Technology So Enjoys Getting Me Excited for Nothing.
Friday, May 14, 2010
A guy Named Rocket Launcher.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Pic of the day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Stupid Things
Have you ever met that one person (probably of the opposite gender) that you knew you would want to be around for the rest of your life. You know there is no pointed in dating or getting in some relationship now. But if you were older you would seriously consider dating or at least staying in personal contact the rest of your life. I hate it when I meet those people and the thought comes that I am probably going to go off to college and never see them again. That's such a depressing feeling. I even get it now whenever I meet someone that's just awesome, and I have to move. I don't know them well enough to keep in contact for a long time, but I wish I did. If I were an adult I would be where I wanted or felt comfortable going (all in God's plan of course) but I could drive places and do something about these people I knew not well enough.
I think we all come to that point in our lives where we are just sick of it. Be it school or our schedules or even our people. I just want so bad to grow up and skip the rest of school. Don't ask me how I'll make up the lack of education. (Why do you think they invented osmosis. I will simply put a bunch of books under my pillow.) I want to get married, start working and feel in control. High school is next year and I don't know if I can deal with all the stress.
The feeling of being stuck for 8 or 9 more years until life can really begin is just really depressing. But now there is only to dream, hope and plan. I sit here on my couch just thinking about what I want to do, and what I want to be. So it is now at the crossroads in my life I must start to prepare for this; to work towards a better self and a better future.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Moving and Mario

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Crazy Week

A Brief Record of Happenings
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Ides of March - How to Edit Yourself Anywhere
1 April 1st (Starting at the begging) At the time of this writing April 1st is coincidentally the same day as tomorrow, which can only mean one thing: APRIL FOOLS DAY! And I love my April fools day. I am just foaming at the mouth with all of tomorrows opportunities. I won't go into great detail with all of my next-to-pure-evil schemes but I would be more than happy to help you with yours if you care to facebook message me.
2 Spring break! After tomorrow at 3:30 I will have 10 days of Delicious FREEDOM. That's right, and there is nothing you teachers are gonna do about it. This just makes me want to run around my house like there is a million dollars in my pocket.
3 In April we will be totally refreshed. I have a good feeling that everyone (My self included) will feel a lot nicer and more tolerant after spring break. Yeah it will be like that one clever commercial with the guy with the empty battery screen.
Looks like it's time for todays Technical Tip: Fun with Pictures

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
One Might Find this Clever
Also watchable here for a bigger screen, and more awesomeness.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Well I Mentioned Animation
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wow that Really Must of Sounded Better in the Fairy Tale.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The 10 Unspeakable Plights of the Typical Dentist Trip
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I Am Such A NERD!!!!
"Michigan is the birthplace of several cereal manufacturing plants. Battle Creek Michigan is home to both Kellogg and Post Cereal plants. It was in Battle Creek that Vernon j. Herzing created the predecessor of Honey Bunches of Oats (this author’s favorite cereal, which he recommends to anyone.) After becoming the facility manager Vernon combined several post cereals at the plant he worked for in Battle Creek and Created a combination of 3 cereals, sold them as one and outsold all of the other cereals. The people at post originally wanted to call it the “Battle Creek cereal”, but the name didn’t stick. They eventually decided to name the cereal “Honey Bunches of Oats”. Honey Bunches of Oats is one of the top selling cereals of today."
Maybe that doesn't look so bad to you but if you only knew how I felt. I was all excited to be able to write about my favorite cereal. I was all like "Cool now I can write about my cereal, Cool Bean curds!" If that wasn't bad enough for you, my bibliography page read something like this:
The back of a Honey Bunches of Oats Box.
Yeah. I regret this nerdyness but somehow I would have done it again if given the chance. Someone help my weird self.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Awesome Montage

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Cinderella. A new version
It was a warm summer day. Cinderella’s clock barely stroke six before she was rudely awoken.
"Cinderella!" cried her step mother, "You neglected to wash my Ferrari yesterday".
"I’m terribly sorry Geraldine. I was up until 12 shining your shoes and spot-cleaning the bathroom with a tooth-brush," She replied.
"Well sorry isn't good enough you need to get back to work, and why aren't you in your janitorial uniform?"
"I'm so sorry I'll go and get ready, but before I go, could I make a request?"
"Alright but you have 15 seconds and counting"
"Couldn't we buy an electric tooth-brush? All of our neighbors' maids look so efficient cleaning their bathrooms with electric toothbrushes."
"Foolish child, I can't think of a good reason not to, since we are rolling in the benjamins and all. But since you acted so spoiled as to ask I'm going to blame it something say no. I don't know what I'm blaming it on yet, but I'll text your minimum service no-internet piece-of-junk $0.20-per-text phone when I think of it."
So Cinderella went about her work. Meanwhile Geraldine went to her office to check her email. She looked over her usual advertisements and came across an interesting email for the palace. It read:
That day Cinderella's home was abuzz with the excitement of the palace ball. While her stepmother and stepsisters were shopping she just mopped the floors, swept porch, answered mean $0.20 text messages from them, (Her Stepmother and Stepsisters that is. It would be kind of weird to be texted by your flooring) and doing other chores. By 8 o'clock she was exhausted and went up to her home theater to dust where she found Frank, her Fairy godfather watching c-span.
"Hey Frank" she said.
"What do you want now" He replied from the comfort of his reclining la-z-boy.
"Well It's just that there's this electric tooth-"
"Let me guess, you want to go to that stupid ball so you can go chill with Mr. Dancing-Pants Himself, The prince."
"Well that would be awesome but I really only-"
"I can't help you."
"Why, Frank?"
"Frank you know that's technically not a real answ-"
"Okay Fine"
"I'll get you the stretch limo with a tennis court and surround-sound the whole sha-bang"
"Wow Frank you are the most amaz-"
"There's one condition if your gonna go hang with sir Dance-a-lot"
"What's that Frank?"
"Be back by midnight"
"Well of course, but the ball lasts til 2"
"Too bad, My magic can't last that long. I've been forced to buy discount ever since your little prince started spending my tax dollars faster than you can say a cheesy spell phrase"
"Ok. Here goes"
Then Frank brought up a spell, suddenly her old 76 chevette poofed into one awesome stretch limos, and a neighbor kid turned into a street-savvy chauffeur. Her family janitorial uniform turned into a lovely gown, and her converse all stars instantly turned into glass. (which was actually more comfortable than it sounds) And with a tip of his cheesy looking hat Frank disappeared into one of those magical fairy not-environmentally-friendly pink clouds.
So Cinderella walked out of her house after grabbing her old phone which had since blossomed into a a beautiful dell windows 7 enabled laptop. (Gotta love techno magic) She got into her stretch limo, and tipped the neighbor kid who now spoke with a heavy NYC cab driver accent.
"So, where to?" he asked.
"The palace" She replied cheerily.
So she arrived in style on the red carpet. Celebrities were everywhere. The whole palace smelled of expensive perfume and sweaty guys trying to cover up their gross stench with cologne. (not one of her favorite smells) She looked over at the food table and noticed the rest of her "family" having what did not look like the time of their snotty lives.
She walked out on the dance floor. The DJ lined up tune after tune. She danced til feet hurt. Lot's of time. went by all the while she stared at the other girls all hanging out with the prince. The DJ layed down a funkalicous techno beat and the two danced their shoes off (Which they hardly even noticed) Several songs went by and the clock ticked faster than either of them could have wished. It wasn't long before the clock stroke twelve. Suddenly The prince's phone buzzed.
"What was that?" she asked.
"Oh that was just my phone", he replied, "It rings ever hour" I loose track of time easily.
"I g2g" she said running out of the palace.
"Wait" he stuttered. But it was too late she was gone.
Cinderella ran. She was unsure what surprises awaited once Frank's spell ran out of magic. She ran down the palace’s street. She got into her limo, which was waiting conveniently waited for her by the curb.
"Where to, lady?" asked her chauffeur.
"Home, and step on it," she answered.
"You got it" he chuckled, and they sped down the highway.
As you can imagine it is a very awkward situation for a police officer to find a 12 year-old driving a 17 year-old in beat up chevette down a high at 80mph. This was the sad case with our characters on the side of that highway. The officer - a nice guy who happened to have a fairy godmother and understood the situation, decided that under the (completely believable) circumstances he would let it go that time and sent them on their way. So a depressed Cinderella sulked into her room and fell asleep out of exhaustion.
At the same time the prince stood around the palace observing his staff cleaning up after the party. He seemed rather depressed as well, until he noticed something strange. Two glass converse sneakers lying on the dance floor. Before a he could udder a syllable he gasped as one of hi butlers tripped on one and flew into the air, crushing it underneath his hindquarters. The prince ran and grabbed up the other slipper. He knew tomorrow he would find his techno-dancing sweat heart.
The following day, Cinderella awoke to begin her usual routine of cleaning and such. She had worked away half the morning when she heard the doorbell ring. She walked downstairs to get it but to her dismay she saw before her a sight that shocked her to the core. There stood her wicked stepmother, Geraldine opening the door for a well dressed looking butler and the prince himself.
"Your highness!" She exclaimed, "What can I do for you this fine day?"
"Nothing more than a quick survey madam" he replied politely, "I see from our records, that you have attended our ball last night".
"Why yes sir ".
"You and your daughters is that correct"
"The four of you?"
"No unfortunately, My youngest was unable to attend"
"That is a shame. Could you possibly try on this sneaker madam? It was found at our ball last night."
"Why don't the two of you have a seat?" she kindly asked.
"Yes of course" replied the prince.
"I'm terribly sorry madam but I would prefer to stand" declined the butler, "My hindquarters have been hurting me terribly".
"Anyways", interjected the prince "Could this possibly be yours madam?"
"I'm sorry, I don't think that's mine", she answered "But maybe one of my girls left it. Come here girls!"
Both of Cinderella's step sisters came down from their rooms very groggy and tired. Each of them claimed to own the sneaker, hoping to impress the prince. Neither of their feet fit in the shoe to their dismay the first step sister’s foot was too large. .
"What about her?" asked the prince pointing to Cinderella.
"Oh but she wasn't even their there's no point!" replied the enraged stepmother.
"Look madam, I have been all over this country this morning, I am willing to try anything"
"Alright then"
Cinderella walked down the stairs towards the prince who of course smelled like more bad perfume and women's foot odor. She quietly tried on the sneaker and it fit perfectly.
"It was you?" exclaimed the prince.
"Yes" She sobbed.
The prince and Cinderella were eventually married. They took the glass and sold the glass slipper to converse who bought the concept for 5.4 million dollars. The two lived happily-ever-after even more filthy rich than ever before.
As for frank he got a local job teaching magic to future fairies at a community college.
Geraldine lost all her money in a gambling debt, and sold entire fortune and her bratty
daughters to pay it off. No worries. She took up residency in cheap cardboard box.
So this is the story of Cinderella.